Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should be written either in Indonesian or English. Spelling should be consistent throughout.
Articles should not exceed 6,500 words in length.

Manuscript Template

  • The Manuscript should be written in Indonesian or English.
  • Prepare text using MS Word 2010 (or later).
  • Paper size : A4, the margins should be 2.54” in all directions (Top, Down, Right, Lift).
  • Font type: Times New Roman.
  • Title: pt 16, bold, right.
  • Authors’ Names: pt 12, bold, centered.
  • Authors’s Addresses: pt 12, corresponding author should be mentioned (email address and mobile number should included).
  • The manuscript’ main titles (abstract, introduction, material, methods of work, results and discussion): 11 pt in abstrak english or indonesia language
  • The keywords are written under the Abstract (max. five keywords).
  • Manuscript text : pt 12 in english or indonesian language.
  • Subtitles: pt 12 in english or indonesian language, non-numbered.
  • The full word "Figure" is used as a heading under the shape or what it represents and an abb. Word “Fig.” is used anywhere in the text.
  • Tables and shapes are placed in the results in the sequence mentioned, not at the end of the manuscript.
  • All numbers are written in the Arabic numerals system (eg 1,2,3, ..... )
  • The authors can separate or merge the results with the discussion.

Abstract and Keywords
All articles must include an abstract. The abstract should be 150-200 words, and should not use the same phrasing as will appear in the article. The article (for instance, in its introduction) should not assume that the reader has read the abstract.
All articles must include a list of keywords. Please include 5–10 keywords for your article. You can look at past issues of JCS for a sense of what sorts of keywords authors have used.
Please include your name exactly as you wish it to appear in print, along with the name of the institution with which you will be affiliated at the time of publication.
We kindly ask that authors refrain from thanking family members, or the editors and outside readers of the Journal Nady al-Adab; and that authors keep the length of acknowledgments to a minimum.

The text.
The Second Level Heading
The text.
JCS uses the APA style provided by Microsoft Office Word, please use the automatic bibliography provided by Microsoft Office Word.