Pelatihan dan Simulasi Penanggulangan Bencana Kebakaran
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Institute of Health Science Tanawali Takalar is a campus that uses more laboratory equipment with electric power machines and chemicals in Takalar Regency, a learning program that uses laboratories with flammable equipment and materials whose activities carry a high risk of fire disaster. This activity aims to provide an understanding of how important student knowledge (i) is about fire emergency response and provide simulations and practice directly in the open field to make it easier to understand. The implementation method is carried out by creating fire emergency response training and simulations for undergraduate nursing students at STIKes Tanawali Takalar. This method is divided into 5 stages, namely Situation Analysis and survey, determining priority problems, proposed solutions, Outcomes, Evaluation and Assistance. The results obtained from this activity are able to increase knowledge and skills in carrying out emergency response to fire disasters.
Keywords: Training, Simulation, Disaster, Fire